1. Dress shirts. You can wash/dry them yourself. You can use spray starch with your iron. Which means you have to own an iron. Maybe you’re different, but to us it can seem like way more work than it’s worth and we can never quite match the crisp collar and creases from the cleaners. A fresh shirt from the cleaners runs a close second to a new outfit. 2. Fall air. There are a few things we’ve been dying to do lately and throwing our windows open – especially at night – tops the list. Yes, we love summer and we are sad to see it go. Yes. But replacing recycled cool air with honest to goodness chilly air and an extra blanket on the bed makes us happier than bringing pumpkin back. Plus, those rubber masks, wigs and Velcro costumes are right around the corner and super hot, don’t you know? Crisp, chilly air means everyone’s happy. We find ourselves doing this. Fall sort of came out of nowhere. The pools are closed, the kids have bedtimes again and we’re flirting with the idea of stowing away our flip-flops for another year. Always with a heavy heart.

3. Mulch beds. All that sweltering heat wreaks a little havoc on our patch of paradise. Now is the perfect time for creating a little curb appeal with a layer of fresh mulch and crisp, clean edges in your mulch beds. Look for a
garden spade of choice – some people prefer a flat steel blade, others a half-moon rounded blade – then follow the line you create with a garden hose or spray paint.
See for yourself. Bonus points: mulching now will protect and nourish your plants’ roots through winter. 4. Apples. Where do we begin? Maybe
here with this rundown from The Food Network of 7 popular fall-harvest apples and the best uses for each. Our favorite? The tart, crisp and juicy Macintosh. 5. Apple Crisp. Too obvious? Sorry (not really). Pour a glass of milk and enjoy

6. Sheets. This follows the freshly cleaned shirt logic. There’s just something about slipping into a freshly made bed with crisp linens. We found these tips for
crisp sheets helpful, you might, too. Disclaimer: we love flannel and t-shirt sheets in the winter, too. Mix and match your sheets and pillowcases for the perfect night’s sleep this season. 7. Chips. Well, it’s true! Sometimes you just crave crunchy and crisp and we get that. Have you checked out all of our
chip options lately?