10 Reasons We Need Snow After The Holidays
It’s an unpopular opinion, liking snow after the holidays. People look at you like you’re crazy. Nine days into a severe cold snap (#polarvortex), with 13-plus inches on the ground and you might want to keep your opinions to yourself. But we’re going to go out on a frozen limb with the reasons we think more of the white stuff is actually good for us:

- When else are you going to clean your closet, paint your bathroom and write thank you notes?
- Is there anything better than curling up with a blanket, a snack and a favorite movie when there’s nowhere else to be?
- Shoveling qualifies as cardio.
- The Super Bowl.
- Have you spent time on Houzz.com? Endless ideas on how to turn your house into a home…with style. Your style. Now you’ve got time to gather photo inspiration for every project on your list.
- Did we mention the Super Bowl? Hit up our Wise recipes, Pinterest, AllRecipes.com or your favorite food blog for delicious apps, drinks, desserts and more.
- You can wear things like this and these.
- Remember reading? It’s been a while for us, too.
- Your kids ditch the computer games and handhelds long enough to learn the mechanics and joy of snow fort building and walking in snow pants. They use their imagination and excess energy. You have peace and quiet. Everyone wins.
- Snow angels. You’re never too old. And looking up into the winter sky as everything goes silent around you…well, that never gets old either.