Your Secret Super Bowl Party Playbook

Another idea for the chalkboard paint since you already have it? Paint over some stickers (any sticker large enough for a two-digit number), adhere to glasses and let people write the winning score on their glass as they get their drinks. No one loses his or her drink and the winner scores a little prize. (Be sure to leave out a box of chalk near the glasses.) Use things you already have like serving baskets, trays and bowls and don’t think they all need to match or be football themed. Add ice to a clean galvanized tub or bucket for bottled drinks or juice boxes. Throw in some football napkins or napkins in team colors. And without much additional work, you can also choose some of your snacks, decorations or favors to coordinate with team colors (juice for kids, M&Ms or other candies, frosting for cookies or cupcakes, balloons, beads or nail polish).
Grab some football coloring books or pads of construction paper at a discount store, haul out your ginormous pile of crayons and let the kids go at it. You could also get the kids in on the bingo fun if they’re old enough to follow along. You can football-ize almost anything, like these football silverware caddies, by painting/icing/adding white football laces. Have the kids paint tin soup cans with flat brown paint, then add the white lacing with chalk or white paint. Use the cans to hold utensils, rolled napkins, votive candles, chalk or crayons. You can draw the same white laces on lunch-size brown paper bags then fill with popcorn and line up the bags in a big basket or on a tray.

Best advice we’ve gotten over the years: ask your guests to bring something. Mix it up and ask some for dessert, others for chips and dips, side salads, pasta or even beverages of choice. It’ll take the pressure off and you can focus on enjoying your company and watching the game. If all else fails, remember our friend and the cake. She’s on to something.