You might be needing these right about now. We did. And putting this together put us in the right frame of mind. We’re going to make it through winter like we always do. And the best is yet to come.
1. Dill Pickle Ridgies. As fresh and new as the first day of spring.
2. Spring breezes. You know what we’re talking about. The it’s-good-to-be-alive breeze. The breeze that makes you feel like a kid with a whole Saturday afternoon outside in your play clothes. A kid coming off an epic round of kick ball.
3. Something new to wear in the morning. New season, new wardrobe. Even if they’re just coming out of storage after winter.
4. Spring flowers. Everywhere.
5. Someone who smiles first. Right?
6. A great umbrella. Sounds silly but when you have one handy when a storm breaks just before lunch and it’s cute, or even just functional-no broken or bent spokes, stays open without coaxing, doesn’t pop inside out with the suggestion of a little wind – well, it’s almost as good as having something new to wear in the morning.
7. Jelly beans. The Easter Bunny doesn’t disappoint.
8. More daylight. The days are getter longer, which means you won’t feel that familiar tug to get ready for bed at 6pm.
9. Picnics. Are we rushing things? Maybe. But even if it’s not a full-on picnic-basket-and blanket picnic, we can still bring our lunch to the park, even if we eat it in the car with the windows open. And the kids will love any break from routine.
10. The kids can play outside. For recess. For gym class. On a Saturday. This is good. This cannot be overstated.
11. Opening windows. In the car, in the house, maybe even at work. It might just be one window, cracked slightly, for 10 minutes, but it’s something. See #2.
12. The spring and summer soundtrack. You know when you sit outside and you can hear those far-off noises of kids playing, birds chirping, maybe a lawn mower. It’s the spring and summer soundtrack and we love the sound of it. Close your eyes and relax.
13. That urge to organize. Spring cleaning is all about clearing away the cobwebs and clutter that accumulates over a winter of hibernation. This may sound like work-not a pick-me-up-and maybe it is, but we think the results are worth it. Walking into your closet, opening your pantry or even a catchall cupboard and finding what you’re looking for? Priceless. And just in time for warm weather when you can focus on being outside.
14. Seeing people again. Someone who lives in sunny Florida might laugh at this one, but anyone who’s been snowed in and frozen solid this winter knows that even when we run to our cars or get our mail, we make it fast. Not a lot of time to catch up on things. And when we get home from work or errands and warm up, we’re not real inclined to go back out. Warmer weather means we’re back in circulation and it feels good to be in good company.
15. Good company, good food. Let’s get together and share a meal, talk over hors d’oeuvres and drinks, give the kids a snack and let them play while we catch up. We’ve whipped up a
yummy new dip (and it’s healthy, too!).
16. Add more fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies in season not only taste better but are usually less expensive. You’ll start seeing (and tasting) delicious asparagus, broccoli, green beans, mango, oranges and strawberries. Add them to dishes, eat raw or with dips and how about a handful of salty chips with a side of sweet strawberries?
17. Walks. Without worrying about uncleared sidewalks, patches of ice and 3 layers under your coat. Pretty sure the dogs are happy about this one, too.
18. A pedicure. Sometimes it doesn’t seem worth it when you’re wearing wool socks and winter boots. But pretty toes always make our day.
19. Spring training. For the boys of summer and the rest of us. Feels good to get moving.
20. The promise of summer. It’s coming. We can feel it and we’re so ready.