To try to describe dads in just a few words would be like trying to nap in a recliner while Disney channel blares in the background and everyone is asking for lunch. It can be done, but it wouldn’t be easy. So instead of trying to fit all the different dads out there into one neat little description box, we thought it might make more sense to let their unique, profound and yes, sometimes absurd wisdom speak for itself. Please enjoy this random sampling from some wise and beloved dads. “The world does not revolve around you. Think of others first.” “Better to bear the shame than bear the pain.” (See? Absurd.) “If I write it down, that means I have to remember it. Always give yourself a margin of error.” “You teach people how to treat you. Respect yourself.” “Tell the truth. It might hurt like you-know-what now, but it’ll be easier to remember when you try to tell it again later.” “Why would you want to act like someone else or blend in? You’re the only one who can be you and you’re good at it.” “Ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of wisdom.”

“Never use my good screwdriver to open a can of paint.” “The things you learn can never be taken away. You will collect them over time and they will turn you into the person you become.” And because dad would want us to give credit where credit was due, see what happens
here and
herewhen columnists and publications asked readers ‘what is the best advice your father ever gave you.’