We’re just 50-plus days into the New Year and our shiny, earnest resolutions have a little tarnish. According to
statisticbrain.com, 45% of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions and just 8% of them succeed in achieving their goals. Yikes. And what about the other 55% of us who have given up this ritual burst of motivation altogether?
Change is hard. We resist. Our lizard brains are wired for repetition and expected outcomes. This kept us warm, dry, nourished and well, alive. But when our basic needs are met-when we’re more than lizards-what makes our lives rich, full and fun?

Not surprisingly, trying new things is one key predictor of happiness. In a
Time Health and Happiness List,
trying new things was one of 20 ways to actively change what psychologists call our ‘subjective well-being’ or state of happiness. Psychologist Rich Walker of Winston-Salem State University looked at 30,000 event memories and over 500 diaries, ranging from durations of 3 months to 4 years, and says that people who engage in a variety of experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones than people who have fewer experiences. This makes sense, right? You know that person who’s always traveling somewhere new, meeting people, sampling new music, new food, new ways to wear her chevron scarf? She’s happy in a really relaxed way. Like she’s sampling life and it’s all coming her way for the taking. It’s not to say it’s easy, just satisfying and thrilling not to be afraid of the unknown.

Sometimes we get so comfortable in our ruts we don’t see them for what they are. But what if we took the proverbial stairs today, took a big bite, tried something different, something invigorating that shook our shoulders and told us to wake up and smell the
Twist of Lime Tortilla Chips? What if we stopped worrying and wondering what it would be like, look like, taste like, feel like and just went for it? With an experience under our belt and a story to tell.

Oh, and we’ve got a little story to tell ourselves with 9 new, no-holds-barred flavors in stores near you. We’ve been busy mixing, taste testing and trying to add a little zest to life and we think you’ll love our take on a more delicious world with flavors like
Jalapeno Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Cheez Doodles Puffed Balls, and Twist of Lime Tortilla Chips. Stop waiting. Try something new and redefine the possibilities.