Sticky Situations
Little white lies were invented for sticky situations. Right? OK, maybe not. But sometimes we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place and we really just wish we could, you know, summon a rock crusher or be magically airlifted out of Dodge.
What are we talking about? Well, we’ve been sort of obsessed with our newest partner, the creators of Scribblenauts a magical game that takes wishful thinking to a whole new level. If you’ve never played or watched your child play, imagine yourself in a world where words can save the day, literally. They had us at hello. Maxwell is our protagonist and he finds himself in peril and all manner of sticky situations as he navigates the world. In the newest version, Scribblenauts Unmasked – A DC Comics Adventure, we take Max on a quest through the DC Comics universe. He’s facing off with evil villains and you’re armed only with your vocabulary and a vivid imagination. If an industrial-sized slingshot will hurl you out of harm’s way, ask for one. Ride to safety on the back of a stegosaurus. Pelt your enemies with giant Cheez Doodles. Whatever works.
And your goal? To navigate your way through the adventure. There’s no right way. Or really, there are countless ways to solve the puzzle. We love the idea that gaming your way through Scribblenauts is practice for the game of life, if you prefer to look at it that way. It’s not all fun and games, sure, but the idea that your imagination can take you anywhere is the stuff of great innovators. It’s Resilience 101 for the real life explorer. So conjuring up a pick-axe, parachute or extra place setting on screen might just prepare your kids for something much more important. And besides, bombarding enemies with a giant bowl of Cheez Doodles sounds kind of awesome.
Oh, one more thing: you can conjure up an extra $5