This spring, we’re back with a new attitude. It’s about embracing and celebrating imperfection and individuality. Looking at things through new, dare we say it, more accepting, more gracious lenses. We’ve been inspired by campaigns from
Dove and people like
Mo’ne Davis. These people (and there are living, breathing people behind these brands) are taking a breath and breaking tradition with the way we’ve always done things. They’re embracing imperfection and acknowledging it in themselves in the process, being sure to remind us that there is strength, not weakness in seeing ourselves the way we truly are and moving ahead bravely. And Mo’ne just single-armedly redefined what it means to ‘throw like a girl.’ Babam! This doesn’t mean we don’t have doubts. We look at what we do every day, turning it over in our collective hands to see it with fresh eyes. To see if we’ve missed anything. We second-guess and we wonder if our imperfections are the first things people see about us.

And then we stumble across something like this on Instagram (author unknown):
There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.
This threw us into a full-on thought spiral. Thinking, hard, about what our self-consciousness and self-awareness can do to us or for us. Your imperfections just might be some of your most powerful, most persuasive and most life-changing gifts.

So we’re embracing the things that make Wise and our chips less uniform, less polished and perfect but more authentic. More perfectly imperfect. We’re embracing our heritage, our individuality and our imperfections. We hope you will, too.