When it begins, summer feels like an endless dreamy vision of shiny, happy people who live in the sun and are never in a bad mood. And it is. Sometimes. We love the special moments where time slows down and we’re spending more time outside with our family, neighbors and friends. But by now, some of that magic has worn off and we’re left a little sunburned, glad to be putting away the suitcases for a while and swearing off the sleepover, maybe forever. So here’s to the time when we march back into a bit more routine, for better or worse. And 10 signs that you’ve persevered, warrior parent, and you’re on the home stretch:

1. Your kids have been saying they’re bored since early June. 2. You’ve missed all the paperwork, permission slips and volunteer sign-ups. Just kidding. We’re not sure that’s possible. 3. The dog could use an uninterrupted afternoon nap.

4. You start seeing
these everywhere. And
these. 5. Brown bags beware! You start thinking about honing your lunch making skills. 6. You only have a few more picnics left in you. Back away slowly from the sticky picnic basket, almost-empty bug spray and moldy peach pits.

7. You’re flat out of spare pairs of pool goggles. Someday, a person will discover them on the same island as misfit socks and stray charger cords. 8. You found
this and you know you’re not alone. 9. Everyone’s over the magic of sleepovers and popsicle sticks. 10. If your kids sleep any later, they might never change out of pajamas. We’re almost there. Happy back-to-school, people!